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Mercedes SLR Mc Laren by Marco Weiss

Mercedes SLR

" Mercedes SLR Mc Laren " by Marco Weiss

Modelling and Technic:
For all my 3D vehicles I use the following tools and techniques:
> Subsurfacing devisions> Symmetry objects> point to point modelling
We made a tutorial for the point to point modelling with the clone function:View Tut
The screenshoot on the left shows the objectstructure in Cinema 4D and the begin of the modelling with the bumper.
Settings of the Hypernurbsobject:
subdivision editor: 2subdivision renderer: 3

I always start with the modelling at the front and develop the bodywork step by step to the backend.
Working time: 2h

Bodywork in the different stages of the development. Working time so far: 11 h

Vehicle Parts and Construction
As you can see at the screenshots, the bodywork exists off several single parts.
Just as a real car is made, I model the  different parts of the bodywork and match them together.
I bend the edges of the componentes and line them up to get sharp and clear  edge courses.


Raw body work finished and windows fitted
Working time so far: 13 h

Backlights finished
Working time so far: 14h

Wheels, Rims and exhaust finishedFrontlights concepted
Working time so far: 20 h

Last Steps: Mirrors, windshield wipers, Interieur, bottom and wheel panels


Finished Model without textures
All Textures and Materials are selfmade.
I start with texturing and lighting while modelling the several parts of the car. With textures and a raw lighting set up you are able to see better any bugs in the mesh. Because every bug part shows some "crooked" reflections on the surfaces.
Altogether I used 23 different materials. Some standard C4D materials were used, such as for the mirrors and the tyres. For all materials that required f. e. alpha channels, such as the windowframes, i made high res graphics in Corel.

3Dtutorials.sk recommendation:

To maximise the realism of your textures we recommend to use high quality photo textures from the #1 texture websitewww.environment-textures.com


Finished Vehicle

Bodywork:14.236 Points17.533 Polygons 207 Objects138.588 Subdivision Surfaces
Wheels & Rims:48.744 Points36.120 Polygons212 Objects
Total working time: 42 h

(c) Marco Weiss, webmaster@black-graphics.de

Click for viewing tutorial on free3dtutorials .